Fixed the give poisoned apple murder/death. When your sim goes to a Health Check-Up Appointment, you The Sims 4 Mod: UI Cheats Extension + Draggable Needs. Thank you again for all the Well being wishes! As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache when updating my Mods! ***. Do not delete or move the ‘Resource.cfg’ file that should be in the mods folder, as this is required to allow mods to work.The goal of this mod pack is to rework the Health system of the Sims 4. Once you’ve located this file path, simply move the WickedWhimsMod folder that you extracted from the archive folder and paste it into the The Sims 4 Mods folder. EA has made this particularly easy, as it can be found at the following file path by default: \Documents\Electronic Arts\ The Sims 4\ Mods. You’ll need to find the folder for The Sims 4 Mods. If you haven’t, The Sims 4 folder that we’re looking for won’t exist.

The first thing you’re going to need to do is make sure that your version of The Sims 4 supports the Wicked Whims mod. Sims 4 WickedWhims: How to Download and Use Mods Downloading The Sims 4 Wicked Whims Check Your Game Version for Compatibility